Oh Great Empire

Author: John Lucas Kovasckitz

Oh great Empire,
your splendor is ending.
Your dams are crumbling
under the weight of this cancerous river
of toxic ash
and topsoil
and the bodies of the expendable.
You have hoarded the milk of our Mother,
and it is spoiling;
this precious gift freely given
has become a curse
and you can no longer hide the stench.

Even the rocks are crying out:
we will no longer do your bidding,
we will hold back the tide no longer.

Let the river of justice flow.
Let the decay sweep through the streets
and overturn your monuments of glory.
May explorers in an age
find your gold at the bottom of the sea.

This empire will be a layer in the history
of the crust of time -
a mist,
a vapor.

Let its death fertilize rebirth.
And let the springs of mercy rise up
again once more.

Oh masters, no longer shall you be.
The first shall be last.
Oh slaves, no longer shall you be.
The last shall be first.
The first to see, to touch,
to breathe, to move,

The first to cry to the depths
of those behind:
Son of Adam,
Daughter of Eve,
surrender to the eternal flow
from which you came.


Oh God,
First and Last,
spit into your merciful hands.
Dig deep into the soil -
into the blood and bones
of the prophets who have gone before,
into the expanse of time.

With the mud of humanity
and everything that has Being,
wash our sight clean.
Let us see the Oneness
of all things,
in all things.


Oh Creator of all,
Oh Great Mother:
what have we become?
How far have we strayed from the garden,
from your womb?
Is it too late to crawl back inside
to the safety
and innocence
we once knew?
Who can bear this weight of all that is Good
and all that is Evil?


Oh my child,
Join the dance of the universe.